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Havanese Puppies for sale in IndianaSelect a Breed
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Displaying: 1 - 3 of 3
Breed: Havanese
Location: Anderson, IN
We have four adorable Havanese puppies for sale. They are seven weeks old, with two males and two females. The largest male is Moby, he is cream color…
Shadow 4849.01 miles
Breed: Havanese
Location: Orleans, Indiana
Shadow is a really beautiful Havanese puppy he is a red sable with black tips on his hair. He is lively and loves to run and play his father is a Cha…
Cody 4849.01 miles
Breed: Havanese
Location: Orleans, Indiana
This cute young dog is always running and playing in our yard and is really cute. He is small and has a lively carefree out going personality. He is…
Displaying: 1 - 3 of 3
Havanese Puppies By State
Company Info
PO Box 15124
1316 Commerce Dr,
New Bern, NC 28562
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