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Coton De Tulear for SaleSelect a Breed
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APRI Coton de Tulear
Breed:Coton De Tulear Age:N/A Gender:N/A Ready Date:N/A Notes: N/A
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Home raised Cotons. Socialized with my children and other pets. Sweetest dispositions!!!! These nonshedding dogs have a beautiful fluffy long white coat which is its trademark. Tulear’s coat is cotton-like and fluffy rather than silky or oily. It has no "doggie smell". Cotons are hypoallergenic; they have hair (a lot like human hair), which makes them very popular and compatible with people who have allergies. Because they have hair rather than a coat of fur, they don't shed. Instead, they lose a small amount of hair.

The Coton de Tulear has a large dog personality much like the lab. The Coton de Tulear has a medim size bark, though they are very easy to train. They also can be great lap dogs and are the ideal companion,The Coton de Tulear makes a great family pet. The Coton is a playful, affectionate, intelligent breed. They become attached to people.

The Coton de Tulear has much less disorders than many other breeds due to little inbreeding, the Coton is a fairly rare breed and that is recognized by AKC and APRI. The fact that they are rarer breeds means the Coton de Tulear has faced very little inbreeding, the source of many canine health disorders.

Famous Coton de Tulear owners: Barbra Streisand, Debra Messing, Glenn Close, and Catherine Zeta-Jones

Small breed dog, white dog, rare dog,happy dog, smart dog, companion dog, non shedding dog, hypoallergenic dog, kid-friendly, and animal-friendly dog!!!

In France, the Coton is sometimes referred to as the 'Anti-Stress' dog of the Twenty First Century.

Native Madagascans refer to the breed affectionately as the “comedian” or “royal dog”.

In Madagascar, its country of origin, the breed has been portrayed on a postage stamp.

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Andrea Location: Argyle, TX 76226  
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