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"Two Year Old Fawn Female" needs a home! Help it find a home, by telling your friends and earn points!
Two Year Old Fawn Female
Breed:Pug Age:N/A Gender:N/A Ready Date:N/A Notes: N/A
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Roo is a two year old fawn female pug. She has a double curled tail, black ears and a black mask. She eats one cup of dog food twice a day, and loves treats. She is a very active and fun dog that loves to learn new tricks. She sits, lays, speaks, rolls over, stands, and says I Love You! She rings a bell when she has to go potty. Like other Pugs, she takes a long time outside to go potty. She has many outfits, and loves toys! She goes to the dog park once a week, where she turns into a shy puppy. She gets a bath twice a week and hops in with no problem! She loves the water so much! She loves swimming in pools; she'll jump in, swim to the other side of the pool,try and jump out, run around and jump in again. When going for a car ride, she tends to whine and yelp alot, this might be from getting car anxiety or car sick, although shes never actually gotten sick. She loves everyone, doesn't bite or bark at people. The reason I have to find a new home for her is because I am pregnant and wont have enough help for myself, the baby and the dog. It will break my heart to have to let her go, but as long as she has a warm loving and very caring new family to join, I will be happy.
Seller Details
Whitney Curcio Location: Orange City, FL 32763  
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