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English Bulldog for SaleSelect a Breed
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"BLUE/WHITE FEMALE BULLDOG" needs a home! Help it find a home, by telling your friends and earn points!
Breed:English Bulldog Age:N/A Gender:N/A Ready Date:N/A Notes: N/A
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Rosemary is a Blue/White female. When she was a puppy she was solid blue! Whe she is in the light you can still see her blue color she is kind of a dark blue brindle. She has never been bred we have missed her heat cause she dosent bleed much at all she swells only but its noticeable. She is not a proven breeder because we have never bred her so we dont know if she can be bred or not. The first heat she was too young to be bred, she just went out of heat. We would rather sale her as a pet but if you are wanting to buy her as a breeder than we will not gaurantee that she can be bred cause we have not bred her. She is very sweet she loves to have attention. She is a very beautifulBulldog she is APRI reg. They are just cheaper than AKC im really not fr sure why peole feel like thats not a good reg. There is nothing wrong with APRI. You can still sale pups just as good as if AKC. Thanks and Go Bless
Seller Details
James/Joann Holdman Location: Rudy, AR 72952  
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PO Box 15124
1316 Commerce Dr,
New Bern, NC 28562
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