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Yorkshire Terrier for SaleSelect a Breed
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Breed:Yorkshire Terrier Age:N/A Gender:N/A Ready Date:N/A Notes: N/A
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The Yorkie's long, glossy coat goes all the way to the ground and requires daily brushing. The hair on its head is usually tied up or parted down the middle all the way to the tail flowing straight and evenly on both sides. It has steal blue on the body and tail but tan everywhere else. There maybe be an almost gold color around the face. The head is small and somewhat flat. The muzzle isn't very long with a black nose. Eyes are medium sized and dark in color. The ears are small, V-shaped and carried erect. They are not too far apart, covered with short hair, and very deep in color usually a rich tan. The mouth is either a scissor or level bite. The neck has good reach while the body is compact with a level back. The tail is customarily docked to medium length with plenty of hair. The legs are straight and well covered in hair of rich golden tans ending a few shades lighter at the roots. The hair on the body is moderately long, and perfectly straight no waves. It has a glossy, silky texture. The hair on head and muzzle grow long to meet the length of the body. Some owners if not showing their Yorkie will keep the head trimmed.
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johndave Location: Bronx, NY 10469  
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PO Box 15124
1316 Commerce Dr,
New Bern, NC 28562
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