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Vizsla for SaleSelect a Breed
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Looking for a vizsla puppy
Breed:Vizsla Age:N/A Gender:N/A Ready Date:N/A Notes: N/A
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I am searching for the perfect vizsla puppy to ad to my family. I'm not looking for a show dog or even a dog to breed.

My parents got one the year I was born, I grew up with her. She was a part of our family for seventeen amazing years.

I would even take (for lack of a better word) a flawed puppy. I have heard that some may come out white with a red mark and breeders don't particulary like that. I just love their temperament and would love it all the same.

Thank you all for reading this, I hope to hear from someone soon.
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Amber Location: Buckeye, AZ 85326  
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1316 Commerce Dr,
New Bern, NC 28562
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